Agricultural MachinesTesting Fee
Abaca Stripper₱ 10,950.00
Agricultural and Fisheries
Commodity Dryer
₱ 18,500.00
Agricultural Trailer₱ 10,500.00
Biomass Shredder₱ 9,000.00
Cacao Grinder₱ 9,300.00
Cacao Huller₱ 9,500.00
Cacao Roaster₱ 9,700.00
Cassava Digger₱ 8,750.00
Cassava Granulator₱ 9,000.00
Chipping Machine₱ 9,000.00
Coconut Coir Decorticator₱ 12,900.00
Coffee Grinder₱ 9,300.00
Coffee Huller₱ 9,500.00
Coffee Pulper₱ 10,500.00
Coffee Roaster₱ 9,700.00
Combine Harvester (Rice)₱ 14,800.00
Combine Harvester (Corn)₱ 13,500.00
Composter₱ 9,000.00
Corn Mill₱ 13,500.00
Corn Picker₱ 13,400.00
Dehusked Corn Dryer (up to 12 hrs)₱ 17,800.00
Disc Harrow₱ 7,300.00
Disc/Moldboard Plow₱ 7,500.00
Electric Motor₱ 20,000.00
Fans and Blowers₱ 20,000.00
Feed Mixer₱ 8,000.00
Fiber Decorticator₱ 10,950.00
Field Cultivator₱ 7,500.00
Forage Chopper₱ 9,000.00
Four-Wheel Tractor₱ 22,000.00
Furrower₱ 7,500.00
Green Coffee Bean Sorter₱ 10,900.00
Granular Fertilizer Applicator₱ 16,000.00
Granule Applicator₱ 16,000.00
Grater₱ 10,500.00
Hammer Mill₱ 9,000.00
Harvester (Self-propelled)₱ 14,800.00
Heated-Air Mechanical Grain Dryer (< 2T)₱ 17,800.00
Heated-Air Mechanical Grain Dryer (> 2T)₱ 27,000.00
Laser Leveler₱ 8,800.00
Lever-operated Knapsack Sprayer₱ 19,500.00
Mechanical Rice Thresher₱ 12,950.00
Mechanical Rice Transplanter (Ride-on)₱ 10,700.00
Mechanical Rice Transplanter
₱ 10,700.00
Micromill₱ 13,000.00
Mist Blower₱ 13,000.00
Mist Blower
(with solids)
₱ 13,300.00
Multicrop Juice Extractor₱ 10,500.00
Multicrop Washer-Peeler₱ 8,000.00
Mungbean Sheller₱ 10,350.00
Paddy Seed Cleaner₱ 10,900.00
Peanut Grinder₱ 9,300.00
Peanut Sheller₱ 12,350.00
Peanut Thresher₱ 12,350.00
Power Sprayer for Mango₱ 13,000.00
Corn Sheller
₱ 12,350.00
Pulverizer₱ 9,000.00
Pump₱ 12,500.00
Pumpset₱ 12,500.00
Rice Drum Seeder₱ 16,000.00
Rice Mill (Single-pass)₱ 14,450.00
Rice Mill (Multi-stage)₱ 15,250.00
Rice Reaper₱ 12,800.00
Rotating Sprinkler Head₱ 12,000.00
Seeder and Planter₱ 16,000.00
Small Engine₱ 20,000.00
Soil Auger₱ 8,000.00
SPIS/SPFS₱ 11,900.00
Spring-tooth Harrow₱ 7,300.00
Subsoiler₱ 7,500.00
Sugarcane Planter₱ 16,000.00
Walking-type Agricultural Tractor₱ 29,250.00
Weeder₱ 8,750.00
Adlai Mill₱ 13,500.00
Agricultural Tramline₱ 7,600.00
Backhoe₱ 7,000.00
Bailing Machine₱ 7,000.00
Banana Granulator₱ 7,550.00
Banca₱ 7,600.00
Bed Former₱ 7,500.00
Boom Sprayer₱ 9,800.00
Bottle Crusher/Glass Shredder/
Plastic Shredder
₱ 8,650.00
Briquetting Machine₱ 10,250.00
Brown Rice Stabilizer₱ 10,500.00
Brush Cutter₱ 6,450.00
Cacao Kneader/Mixer₱ 7,700.00
Cacao Refiner/Colloid Mill₱ 9,300.00
Cage Roller₱ 9,800.00
Carrot Washer cum Sorter₱ 7,600.00
Cashew Decorticator₱ 9,300.00
Cashew Nut Cracker₱ 12,350.00
Chisel Plow₱ 9,800.00
Conveyor₱ 7,600.00
Dozer₱ 7,500.00
Drone Sprayer₱ 9,700.00
Dumptrike₱ 15,200.00
Egg Incubator₱ 15,650.00
Feed Mill₱ 15,400.00
Feed Pellet Mill₱ 10,250.00
Fertilizer Spreader/Broadcaster₱ 10,250.00
Fiber Stripper₱ 10,950.00
Fish Deheader₱ 7,400.00
Fogging Machine₱ 7,000.00
Generator Set₱ 11,300.00
Grain Collector₱ 8,000.00
HWT₱ 11,550.00
Levee Maker₱ 7,500.00
Leveler₱ 7,500.00
Loader₱ 7,500.00
Mango Pulper₱ 10,500.00
Mango Sprayer Nozzle₱ 12,500.00
Manure Spreader₱ 10,250.00
Milking Machine₱ 8,800.00
Mobile Elevating Work Platform₱ 10,000.00
Mulcher₱ 7,500.00
Multi-crop Presser₱ 8,650.00
Mungbean Sheller₱ 12,350.00
Muscovado Milling Machine₱ 8,650.00
Paddy Hauler₱ 15,200.00
Pili Nut Cracker₱ 7,100.00
Polisher₱ 9,700.00
Portable Hay Baler/Baling Machine₱ 7,000.00
Rice Fortification Machine₱ 12,650.00
Rice Precision Seeder₱ 10,250.00
Rotary Sifter₱ 8,650.00
Rotary Tiller₱ 7,400.00
Rubber Creper₱ 7,550.00
Seed Classifier₱ 10,900.00
Sickle Bar Mover₱ 14,800.00
Sickle Sword₱ 14,800.00
Slicer₱ 7,550.00
Soil Puddler₱ 7,400.00
Solar Panel₱ 11,900.00
Sorghum Grain Sorter₱ 10,900.00
Sorghum Thresher₱ 12,950.00
Soybean Grain Sorter₱ 12,950.00
Sugarcane Cutter₱ 14,800.00
Sugarcane Grabber₱ 7,500.00
Sugarcane harvester₱ 12,150.00
Truck-mounted Blower₱ 26,000.00
Uprooter₱ 8,750.00
Vacuum Dryer₱ 17,800.00
Vermicast Sifter₱ 10,900.00
Windmill₱ 7,600.00
Winnower₱ 10,900.00
Knapsack Sprayer (Engine-powered)₱ 26,800.00
Knapsack Sprayer (Motor-powered)₱ 30,600.00
Knapsack Sprayer (Dual)₱ 31,750.00