The formulation of the AMTEC Standard (AS) was initiated by the University of the Philippines Los Baños-
Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (UPLB-AMTEC) in response to the need for a
reference standard for different machineries without existing Philippine National Standards (PNS) and
Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Standards (PABES). The standards were made in
collaboration with the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE)-Department of
Agriculture (DA) as the regulatory agency for agriculture and fisheries machinery and infrastructures.
The draft AS underwent a series of reviews and online circulations among AMTEC engineers and
stakeholder consultation before finalization and endorsement to the DA-BAFE.
The AS was drafted in accordance with the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS)-
Standards Development Division (SDD) Standardization Guide No. 1: Writing the Philippine National