JICA explores possible collabs with AMTEC

by: Lawrence Neil E. Sagarino

Representatives from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) visited the UPLB Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) last October 21, 2024, to explore possible areas of collaboration and gather relevant data and information for the organization’s study on Post-Harvest Modernization of Rice in the country. 

The JICA officials were Dr. Yoshinao Adachi and Mr. Shinichi Arai who were joined by Ms. Anicia C. Papa, national staff of the said study. They conducted an in-depth interview with the technical staff, led by Dr. Arthur L. Fajardo (AMTEC Director), and were able to visit the testing laboratories of the Center. 

JICA aims to collect some vital information on the country’s state on the modernization programs of rice-related machinery. Specifically, on available technologies of post-harvest and testing methods, post-harvest losses, and other related concerns on post-harvest facilities in the Philippines. 

AMTEC, as the premiere and leading institution for testing of agricultural and fisheries machinery in the country, presented the works that the Center has been doing on post-harvest technologies nationwide. In fact, AMTEC has its sample analysis laboratory that examines the samples gathered from field testing of mostly post-harvest machines, to comprehensively analyze the efficiency of machines being sold and used in the Philippine farms. 

Both of the organizations commit to partner in support of the said study which will hopefully benefit the rice industry of the country. Specifically, improving the quality and production of rice and other related agricultural products through holistic modernization programs. The Center, which is on the frontline of assessing agricultural machines available in the Philippine market or distributed among farmers, will support JICA by providing relevant data as a reference for the organization’s future development programs in the sad field.

The organization had visited and will continue to consult more offices and farmer cooperatives across the country to collect more information that will contribute to a greater understanding of the present state of post-harvest modernization of rice in the Philippines.