AMTEC engineers train aspiring CTEs in Region 11
by: Lawrence Neil E. Sagarino
Agricultural and biosystems engineers (ABE) from the Davao Region participated in the Training on the Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural and Fisheries Machinery and Equipment facilitated by the Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC), co-organized by the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (DA-BAFE) and the Regional Agricultural and Engineering Division (RAED) last June 17-21, 2024 at Casa Leticia Hotel, Davao City.

The training aimed to certify new test engineers on Cacao Postharvest Machinery, specifically cacao roaster, cacao huller, and cacao grinder. It involved theoretical and practical courses that were taught by AMTEC resident test engineers, namely: Engr. Fatima Joy R. Aying, Engr. Deo-Jay T. Manglal-lan, and Engr. Franklin C. Pajaron.
AMTEC, as the Philippines’ premier and reference testing center for agri-fishery machinery, is mandated by RA 10601 (AFMech Law) to assist in training new test engineers across the country. In coordination with DA-BAFE and DA RFOs, these yearly training programs are intended to increase the number of certified test engineers (CTE) and the overall capacity to ensure all agri-fishery machinery that reaches Filipino farmers is of quality and promotes genuine productivity.

Seventeen (17) licensed ABEs underwent a series of lectures on the essentials of the testing activities, especially on gathering data through specifications and the methods of test according to the Philippine National Standards (PNS). After the in-depth series of lectures, the trainees were able to apply and experience an actual demonstration of the testing procedures at the Biao Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (BARBCO) in Tugbok District, Davao City.
The written and practical examinations, along with the actual crafting of a test report (TR), sum up the training. The results of the assessments will serve as the basis for DA-BAFE if the participants are to be certified as new test engineers for the specific machines.

According to the latest data published by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in 2023, the region is the top producer of cacao in the country with an accumulating 1.67 thousand metric tons or 71.2 percent share of the country’s total production. Hence, placing the region with a vital role in maintaining an efficient production of the said high-value crop.
The Center remains committed to empowering the agricultural sector, by supporting the mechanization program of the country, through its continuous public service and extension programs. AMTEC is expected to facilitate related knowledge-sharing programs with DA-BAFE in other regions in the coming months.