Foreword: Slaughterhouse Equipment Large Ruminants

Standardization is  a way of  life  in the modern  world. And  it is a  requisite to  a development in a country like the Philippines. A sustainable agricultural modernization strongly relies on the support from the field of agricultural mechanization technologies which must continuously develop and conform with standards of performance and quality.

When the Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center was established in 1977, one of its primary mandates was to establish standards for both local and imported agricultural machines and components. With the support of various agencies, AMTEC has been able to formulate many standards on the specifications, methods of test and performance indices of a wide variety of machines. Since the year 2000, AMTEC already came out with five volumes of the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES) which consist of standards on production machinery, engineering materials, agricultural structures  and postharvest machinery. Last year, AMTEC  has  developed  twelve  standards  on Slaughterhouse Equipment for Hogs, and early this year, eight standards on Multicrop Processing Machinery.

The original title of this project is ‘Development  of Standards  for  Slaughterhouse Equipment for Cattle’. The technical committee decided to change ‘Cattle’ into ‘Large Ruminants’ in order to include similar large animals like carabao.

The twelve standards included in this volume underwent the same  development process and procedures as the other standards formulated by AMTEC. The basic procedural and drafting rules, the membership of the technical committees, the public hearing and consultations, and the technical review processes all conform with international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization.

Foreword: Slaughterhouse Equipment (Hog)

The Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) in cooperation with the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS),  Bureau  of  Product  Standards  (BPS), Metal Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) and AVM Bernardo Engineering initiated the drafting of the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards for Slaughterhouse Equipment for Hogs. This is thru the funding support of the Department of Agriculture – National Meat Inspection Service of which the fund was administered by the University of the Philippines Los Baños Foundation, Inc. (UPLBFI).

Since 2000, AMTEC came out with five volumes of Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards. These volumes consist of standards on production machinery, engineering materials, agricultural structures and postharvest machinery. This year, the year of the pig, twelve standards were formulated on slaughterhouse equipment for hogs. As the previous standards, these underwent extensive technical reviews, circulations and public hearings.

As the previous standards, upon its adoption by the Department of Agriculture and by the Board of Agricultural Engineering of the Professional Regulation Commission (BOAE- PRC) as technical standards in the practice of agricultural engineering, these standards shall be used in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the specifications and performance of slaughterhouse equipment for hogs.

Foreword: Postharvest Machinery Multicrop

The Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) initiated the formulation of the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards for Multicrop Processing Machines under the project “Multicrop Processing Machines for Commercialization (Component 2 – Development of Quality Standards and Performance Testing of the Multicrop Processing Machines)”. This is through the funding support of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through its Technology Innovation for Commercialization (TECHNICOM) Program.

Since 2000, AMTEC already came out with five volumes of Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards. These volumes consist of standards on production machinery, engineering materials, agricultural structures and postharvest machinery. This year, eight standards were formulated on multicrop processing machines specifically for multicrop washer-peeler, multicrop juice extractor, crystallizer and multicrop micromill. As the previous standards, these underwent extensive technical reviews, circulations and public hearing.

As the previous standards, upon its adoption by the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Board of Agricultural Engineering of the Professional Regulation Commission (BOAE- PRC) and now by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as technical standards in the practice of agricultural engineering, these standards shall be used in the preparation/monitoring of specifications and evaluation of the performance of multicrop processing machines.

Slaughterhouse Equipment

PAES 501:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment-Hog Restrainer-Specifications 
PAES 502:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment-Hog Restrainer-Methods of Test
PAES 503:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Hog Electric Stunner- Specifications
PAES 504:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Hog Electric Stunner- Methods of Test
PAES 505:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Hog Scalder- Specifications 
PAES 506:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Hog Scalder- Methods of Test 
PAES 507:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Dehairing Machine Specifications
PAES 508:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Dehairing Machine – Methods of Test 
PAES 509:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Splitting Saw for Hog Carcass-Specifications
PAES 510:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Splitting Saw for Hog Carcass- Methods of Test
PAES 511:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Overhead Rail System for Hogs-Specifications
PAES 512:2007 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Overhead Rail System for Hogs- Methods of Test
PAES 513:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Stunning Box/Knocking Pen-Specifications
PAES 514:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Stunning Box/Knocking Pen- Methods of Test
PAES 515:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Captive Bolt-Specifications
PAES 516:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Captive Bolt- Methods of Test
PAES 517:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Overhead Rail System for Large Ruminants -Specifications
PAES 518:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Overhead Rail System for Large Ruminants- Methods of Test 
PAES 519:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Dehider -Specifications 
PAES 520:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Dehider- Methods of Test 
PAES 521:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Splitting Saw for Large Ruminants-Specifications 
PAES 522:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Splitting Saw for Large Ruminants- Methods of Test 
PAES 523:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Platform-Specifications 
PAES 524:2008 – Slaughterhouse Equipment- Platform-Methods of Test